My articles on health.


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Overweight and obesity in boxers

I see a lot of overweight boxers, and this is increasingly the case with puppies and growing dogs. You have to realise that in the ‘collective mindset’, seeing a dog with a fat or chubby figure is a sign that he’s eating well, that he’s being ‘treated well’ by his owner, so generally speaking, it’s seen as ‘positive’.


Sometimes owners don’t realise this and neither do some vets (unless the dog is the width of a coffee table). I myself made the mistake of having an overweight dog and when I consulted various vets 3/4 of them told me that the dog wasn’t fat, and the remaining quarter said to me: ‘your dog is overweight, 2 – 3 kg less would be ideal’.


I also see on social networks, ‘the race for the heaviest boxer, massive, etc.’.
It’s often individuals, comparing their dog’s weight to others of the same age and sex. In a way, this isn’t a bad thing, as it gives you an idea when you don’t have much information on the subject.


Having said that, one dog is not the same as another… Very often, owners will increase the ration, copying what the neighbor has done, or what people around them say.


However, this is not a good idea, and I’ll explain why.

Let's take an example:

Pilou is a 3-year-old boxer weighing 35 kg and is massive without being fat. He is a male, 63 cm at the withers, with a strong bone structure. He goes for lots of walks with his owner (every day for 2 hours, for example) and eats 400g of kibble a day.


Looping, a 3-year-old boxer weighing 35 kg, is a ‘real coffee table’ (I’m talking about width and obesity, of course). He’s also a male, but he’s 61 cm at the withers, his bone structure is fairly normal, even light, he prefers playing in the garden to going for long walks and he eats 500 g of kibble a day.


The 2 dogs eat the same brand of kibble, from the same range.

So why is Louping overweight?


Looping is a rather thin-boned male, so he is lighter in general.
Pilou has a more massive build and heavier bones.

Physical activity  

Looping is rather sedentary and prefers the garden.

Pilou goes for long walks every day.

The quantity of food and the brand.

‘Since every dog is different, the assimilation of a kibble takes place differently from one dog to another.’


Looping has an overestimated ration of 100g. This is too much for a dog that does little activity and has a different morphology to Pilou.

Sterilised or not.

In the case of these 2 males, this is not specific, but you should be aware that a sterilised dog is more likely to put on weight. You’ll therefore need to adjust your dog’s diet.

Emotional state

Like us, dogs go through a number of emotional states. If your dog is stressed, this will affect the way it absorbs nutrients. As a result, he may gain or lose weight…

In conclusion

Looping has 3 factors aggravating his overweight:

– Unsuitable quantity and type of kibble,
-Light’ morphology
-Little physical activity.

You can improve Looping’s condition by adapting his diet (see a less rich kibble), and / or make him do more physical activity.

Of course, there are other factors (medication, illness, etc.), but the most obvious are here. So comparing the weight of your neighbour’s dog with your own doesn’t do much, and neither does choosing the same brand of kibble…

Incorrect x-ray of the hips, wrong diagnosis

Every day on the internet, I see distraught owners faced with a gloomy diagnosis of the hips of their dogs, and sometimes even their puppies!

If you’ve read the section on health screening, you’ll have learned a bit more about hip dysplasia.

Here, I’m going to talk to you about, or at least raise your awareness of, hip x-rays, or more specifically the ‘technical’ part of a GOOD x-ray.

My aim : is to make people aware of how to recognize a poor x-ray image, which will distort the diagnosis.

Where can I have my hips X-rayed?

You can have it done at your vet's if he or she has the necessary equipment, or by a specialist radiologist.

Quelques numéro utiles

Cabinet vétérinaire du Dr Mirkovic Sébastien : Tel 04 77 27 04 27
Clinique Vétérinaire des Étangs - Dr Jean-Philippe Jaudon : Tel 04 74 98 01 10
ENVA (École Nationale Vétérinaire d'Alfort) : Tél : 01 43 96 73 73
Aquivet : Tél 05 56 95 01 01
Fregis : Tél 01 49 85 83 00

Optimum position for taking an X-ray image.

According to the AFB Breed Club (Association Française du Boxer)
Extract from the screening protocol…

The dog should be placed supine, with the sagittal plane of the body perpendicular to the plane of the table.


The pelvis should be elongated and in a symmetrical position; the limbs should be fully extended, parallel to the long axis of the pelvis, with the kneecaps in a superior and medial position.
To this end, the dog is placed in forced extension by pulling on the front and rear limbs.


After the x-ray has been taken, the radiographic position must be checked for equality of the widths of the wings and necks of the ilium, symmetry and equality of the surfaces of the obturator holes, symmetry of the trochanteric lines, parallelism of the limbs with each other and with the sagittal plane, median position of the patellas (which must be visible on the x-ray) on the trochleae

Positionnement en image

The facts

As I explained above, for several months now I’ve been noticing that more and more young boxers are being diagnosed as ‘dysplastic’ and that the vet often recommends an operation…

The question is, is there a real problem with the boxer breed, or is there a problem with some vets?


After some thought and research, I’ve noticed that many vets diagnose dysplasia in dogs under 1 year old, generally between 6 and 9 months, but we know that the skeleton isn’t complete at 6 months, so how is it possible to say that a puppy is dysplastic?

I’ve also noticed that many of these X-rays are poorly done. The pelvis is crooked, the limbs not parallel or not taut enough.


This makes it impossible to see dysplasia or to know exactly how serious it is.

How can you tell a good radio from a bad one?

To enlighten the uninformed, here are two x-rays of the hips.

Let's take a look at these shots.

Left: the limbs are not parallel and the pelvis is not straight. In fact, nothing is straight in this X-ray.


Right: the pelvis is not straight and the limbs are not parallel, even though the offset is much smaller than on the left.


What should be done if the diagnosis of dysplasia is made on a ‘badly made’ x-ray?

If your boxer is LOF, ask your breeder for advice first. He’ll be able to give you the best advice and support!

He will probably suggest that you have another x-ray taken by another vet (probably his own) or a specialist.

If your boxer does not come from a kennel:

Be aware that you can go and see another vet or even a specialist and ask for a repeat x-ray.

It’s up to YOU!


You should never diagnose dysplasia in a puppy (under 1 year old), as the skeleton is not yet complete and a growing puppy’s joints are often ‘softer’, ‘more flexible’, so the angles and so on move around.

The joints are often ‘softer’ and ‘more flexible’, so the angles and so on move.

For a reliable diagnosis, it’s best to wait until your dog is 1 year old to have a ‘good’ X-ray.

Suggesting hip surgery to a puppy based on a poorly taken x-ray is complete nonsense!


he photo on the right is one I’d like every puppy owner to have in mind.

A puppy is far from fully formed when it is born, and it will take a very long time for the skeleton to be completely fixed.


As a reminder: It’s vital to avoid rough play, jumping, strenuous walks and going up and down steps for at least the first 10-11 months.

Natural Remedies

Dear visitor, I would like to inform you that I am neither a vet nor a naturopath.
The information below is not a substitute for the advice of an animal health professional.


In this document, I’m going to tell you about my trials with turmeric. I’ll also tell you about the benefits of turmeric for dogs and for us too. I discovered turmeric and how to use it on the internet.



What is turmeric?

Turmeric is a plant native to Asia, particularly India. This plant, of which we only use the roots, has been used in Chinese and Indian medicine for over 4,000 years. Since then, scientific studies have been able to prove the effectiveness of this incredible plant.

The benefits of Turmeric

There are more and more articles on the subject of turmeric, and its benefits are known and recognised throughout the world. Here is a non-exhaustive list of its benefits.


Antioxidant: protects against the negative effects of free radicals and oxidative stress. This helps to limit premature ageing and the development of diseases such as hypercholesterolaemia and Alzheimer’s.


Anti-inflammatory: Thanks to its high content of curcumin, turmeric helps to reduce inflammation in the joints and certain inflammations caused by colon diseases, for example.

Joint and muscle inflammation: osteoarthritis, fractures, tendonitis, sciatica, rheumatism… Turmeric helps relieve pain and boosts the regeneration of damaged tendons and ligaments. It also accelerates healing after a violent shock to tendons, ligaments, etc.

Purifying: removes toxins and drains the body. Excellent blood purifier, accelerates blood circulation and promotes cell reproduction. Also helps to heal sensitive areas such as the liver, intestines, and stomach. Improves digestion and intestinal flora.


Digestive disorders: deeply purifies the digestive organs.

Protects against certain pathologies such as ulcers, acidity, chronic inflammation, digestive problems, etc. Helps to reduce gastric acid secretion, thus helping to protect the intestinal mucosa and prevent intestinal hyper-tightness.


It’s a long list! I’ve written down the most important ones, otherwise I’d need ten pages or so.

My recipe for turmeric paste.


– 2 small cups of water

– 3 fresh turmeric roots
(Turmeric powder oxidises quickly, but if you only have turmeric powder, use 1 small cup of powder).

– 2 teaspoons freshly ground black pepper (this will multiply the benefits of the turmeric paste).

– 1 generous tablespoon coconut oil (preferably virgin and organic).

– 1 teaspoon cinnamon or ginger. (Be careful, you need Ceylon cinnamon!).

Same struggle as with the turmeric with the ginger, fresh is better.

Peel and blend the fresh turmeric, then mix with the 2 cups of water in a saucepan. Simmer over a low heat for about 5 minutes (add more water if necessary, as it should form a paste). At the end of the 5 minutes, if you have obtained a nice paste, add the pepper, cinnamon or ginger (previously blended, if fresh) and put back on the heat for a further 5 minutes (add water if necessary). Remove the pan from the heat, wait for the paste to cool a little, then add the coconut oil and stir. Keep for several days in the fridge.

Liquid turmeric, CURCUMAXX.

I used a liquid turmeric on my animals and myself, from the brand Curcumaxx. I found this product in the ‘biodésir’ shop near me. This product contains 3 types of turmeric, but I couldn't tell you their exact names. I find this product effective and veryfast-acting. Curcumaxx has helped me relieve painful periods, toothaches, headaches, painful joints in my pets and various internal inflammations. In 10 minutes, watch in hand, the pain was halved. The downside of this product is the price! 750 ml cost €45. On the plus side, it keeps for quite a long time in the fridge. I kept mine for 1 year without any problems and without any noticeable loss of effectiveness.
Dosage for men : 1 tablespoon in a little water. Personally, I've taken 2 tablespoons instead of one several times a day with no side effects.

Posology for dogs: Although there is no dosage for animals on the bottle, I did test it with mine. Iz has frequent joint pain, so I was able to test this product on him. At first, I gave him ½ tablespoon. This gave him some relief, but not enough. I increased it to 1 tablespoon and it was perfect for him and there were no side effects either. I often use this product for him and each time it helps a lot. I advise you to give 1 tablespoon of this product for a dog weighing around thirty kg. Approximately 2 times a day for therapeutic purposes.

Joint support

Whether your dog is young or old, it may need joint support for a number of reasons:

Post-operative treatment, following trauma (fracture, sprain, etc.) growing dog (stiffness, pain or sometimes ligament laxity problems).
A dog suffering from hip or elbow dysplasia, spondylosis, etc.

I’m going to give you a few examples of natural products that I’ve found to be effective with my dogs.

The New Zealand green mussel

New Zealand green mussel
It contains numerous nutrients, such as omega-6 and 3, iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium and chondroprotectors. Its unique composition makes it an excellent anti-inflammatory that soothes joint problems. For dogs, green mussels have an anti-inflammatory effect and support the joints (2 in 1 effect).


Above all, don’t just take the 1st product you come across, make sure it’s a natural product with as high a percentage of green mussel as possible. Absolutely avoid ‘combos’ (green mussels + another plant, etc.), as these are often poorly dosed and of poor quality.


I recommend the product below, which is good quality at a more than reasonable price. You need to order in advance, as it comes direct from New Zealand, so delivery time is longer.

It is very well tolerated by my dogs, I give 2 tablets a day (in the event of an attack) for the first 3 days, then 1 tablet a day. I use it as a course of treatment lasting 15 days to 3 weeks, either taking a break or alternating with another product, to avoid addiction.

lovely health


Harpagophytum contains numerous active ingredients which contribute to its many benefits.

Monoterpene glucosides, with anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antispasmodic properties.
Flavonoids and phytosterols, antioxidants which enhance the anti-inflammatory effect of harpagoside.
Phenols with diuretic properties


Numerous essential minerals :

Calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorus and copper.

Vitamins: beta-carotene and vitamin C, antioxidants, and all the B group vitamins, which play an important role in cell metabolism.

You can easily find your product (powder, homeopathy, tablet, etc.), just make sure it’s not mixed too much with other plants.

Here’s a link to a good-quality mother tincture of harpagophytum.


Bone broth

You wouldn’t think of it, well, not for this kind of ailment, but it can provide good joint support for your dog, as well as being super palatable. It’s a good way to kill two birds with one stone: treat your four-legged friend and make him happy.


Bone broth is rich in glucosamine and chondroitin, which are found in pork and chicken cartilage.

Needless to say, for your broth to provide sufficient glucosamine and chondroitin, you’ll need the right amount of chicken and especially pork bones, cartilage, etc. (which will also give your broth its gelatinous texture).


There are no known side effects from overdosing. The advantage of making it yourself is that it doesn’t cost much, and you can freeze it in ice cube trays and take it out by the drop.



Homeopathy can be a good support, but it has a weak point: it takes time to work. It takes 8 to 15 days to see the first effects, regardless of the dose.

For minor joint pain :

Colchicum 5CH combined with Caulophyllum 5CH . 2 granules, 3 times a day


If there is inflammation, you can add :
Gaïacum 5 CH, 2 granules 3 times a day.


After a shock:
Arnica 5CH, 2 granules 3 times a day.


In case of back pain :
Arnica montana 9CH, combined with Kalium phosphoricum 5 CH, 2 granules 3 times a day.


For dogs with spondylosis:
Actea spirata 5 CH, 2 granules 3 times a day.


For dysplastic dogs with stiff limbs:
Plumbum 5 CH, 2 granules 3 times a day.


For osteoarthritis :
Bryonia 5 CH, 2 granules 3 times a day.


Osteoarthritis with bone excrescence :
Hekla lava 5 CH combined with Calcarea fluorica 9CH, 2 granules 3 times a day.


Available from your pharmacist.


Bromelase 300

I use this natural enzyme complex for my dogs as a course of treatment lasting around 15 days, on average 2-3 times a year. The aim of this treatment is to reset my dogs’ digestive enzymes to 0, detoxify and boost them.


In fact, this cure is also recommended for dogs suffering from IBD (chronic inflammatory bowel disease) and also to help dogs that have difficulty digesting or have a pathology that can be recurrent, such as dogs suffering from gastritis, etc. As my dogs had no particular problems, I was able to see an almost immediate effect.


In fact, after 3-4 days of treatment, I saw that my dogs had gained 1 kg to 1 kg 500 respectively. Nothing changed in their bowl or lifestyle, just the addition of this product.

Dosage :
1 capsule for a 35 kg dog (maintenance)
2 capsules for a 35 kg dog (treatment)



The dewormers I’m going to talk about here are just the ones I use on a daily basis.


First of all, you need to know that there are 3 types of worm:

Roundworms (nematodes): roundworms, hookworms, pinworms and whipworms.
Flatworms (cestodes): tapeworms
Protozoa: coccidia, giardia, cryptosporidium.

It is therefore essential to treat for these 3 types of parasite.

To do this, you can choose a broad-spectrum treatment or do several courses of treatment that treat one type of parasite (for example) at a time… It all depends on the remedy you find.


When to worm?

There’s no golden rule here.


You can treat your pet preventively every season, or just twice a year, it’s up to you. However, there are still factors to take into account, such as the type of food your dog eats, its environment (whether it lives on a farm, is in contact with poultry or large animals), whether or not its immune system is good, whether it’s young or old, whether it eats anything and everything when out and about, and so on.


As far as I’m concerned, knowing that I treat naturally, I do so at each change of season, alternating ‘natural products’, firstly to avoid addiction and secondly to enable a broad spectrum to be treated.

I know that some people treat according to the moon, I have no preconceptions about that, but I’m not really convinced either.

Foods for prevention.

You can also find valuable allies against parasitism in certain foods. These are not a substitute for deworming, but help to limit the development of worms.

Here is a non-exhaustive list:
-Aloe Vera – Carrots – Fennel – Coconut – Rosehips – Papaya …

A few dewormers

Fresh garlic (for roundworms)

Amorphous diatomaceous earth (for roundworms)
Put this in your dog’s food for 10 days, and if there’s an infestation, don’t hesitate to do a longer course. Pay attention to the quality of the product, check the silica content, this must be high.


Dosage :
– For a puppy weighing 5 to 10 kg: 2 c.f.
– For an adult dog weighing 25 to 45 kg: 2 tbsp.


Seeds, pumpkin oil or squash oil (flatworms).
Be careful, if you give seeds, they must be organic and unprocessed (not roasted, not salted, etc.). They should be ground up at the last minute and put in your dog’s bowl. You can give them to pregnant females and also during lactation, as pumpkin or squash seeds provide a number of minerals.


Dosage :
1 tablespoon of powdered seeds per 5 kg of body weight every day for 10-15 days.
If you use oils, give 2 – 3 ml per 10 kg of body weight for the same length of time.


Nigella (roundworms, tapeworms and certain protozoa)
You can find black cumin in 2 forms: oil or seeds.


Dosage :
1/2 to 1 tablespoon of seeds per day, for 8-10 days
4 to 8 drops of black cumin oil for 8-10 days.

Natural flea repellents

In this document, I’m going to tell you about the natural flea repellents I use on a daily basis, both on my dogs and around the house.

For the same reasons as an internal parasite infestation (article above), your dog can suffer from a flea infestation. Here’s my short list of natural flea repellents.
Garlic and diatomaceous earth are very effective against fleas.

You can find these 2 products on the net.


Here are the main products I use for my dogs, there are many others, of course… I’ll leave you to do your own research.

Melaflon spot-on

This is a natural product made from plant-based ingredients. This product also fights ticks.


This product is also effective against ticks. It is an internal treatment, sprinkled on food and even in drinking water.

Voici les principaux produits que j’utilise pour mes chiens, il en existe beaucoup d’autres, bien entendu… 

Je vous laisse faire vos propres recherches.

Liver poisoning in my dog

Dear visitor, I would like to inform you that I am neither a vet nor a naturopath. The information below is not a substitute for the advice of an animal health professional.

Because I love sharing with you!

As many of my friends know, I’m always looking through books, articles, and even veterinary theses for information about our dear furry friends.

Of course, my research, and tests (always using natural ingredients) are my sole responsibility towards my animals.


Remember, I’m not a vet and I strongly advise you to consult a vet before giving anything to your pet, even if it’s natural (raw plant, homeopathy, EPS, etc).

Just because it’s natural doesn’t mean it’s ‘always’ safe!

My experience with Massai

As I explained on my Facebook page, Massaï came down with a liver infection a few months ago.
The only symptom was a rapid weight loss (-1 kg per week on average).
Naturally, I went to see my vet quickly.
After a urine and blood test, it turned out that the ALT level was high and everything else (glucose, urea, creatinine, phosphorus, total protein, albumin, total bilirubin, total cholesterol and finally calcium) was completely normal.

So I went to the vet.
As a result, the vet put Massaï on Sylicure (liver treatment) because the liver was engorged due to the infection (the cause: swimming in ‘unclear’ water). 2 tablets a day for 3 weeks.

OK, but that's not very natural!

Given the urgency of the situation with a 3-year-old male boxer, who initially weighed only 30kg 600, it was obvious that he had had this chemical treatment.

After 3 weeks of treatment, Massaï had regained 1 kg and the vet decided to take a break for a week to see if he was having a relapse or not.

The vet didn’t want to get the liver used to the treatment and wanted to see if he still needed it or not.

Massaï had a small relapse and the vet gave him another 3 weeks of treatment. At that point, I was no longer satisfied!
So I contacted people I knew in the field of natural food as well as a vet.

I changed a few things in Massaï’s diet and researched the equivalent of Silycure, but in a ‘natural version’.

On the advice of people I knew, I went to the vis medicatrix naturae website.
I’ve known about this site for years, but it’s true that I didn’t think of it at first. In fact, I was able to discover what I needed for Massaï and much more, such as ‘cleaning the emunctories’ of our animals and ourselves too.

I’ll give you the link to the page just below. This site is a goldmine, and I strongly recommend that you explore it in depth. 

EPS or Standardised Plant Extract

In the case of Massaï, I had a Milk Thistle and Desmodium PE made up. You can have your EPS made in a chemist’s or via the link below:


I stopped the chemical treatment, because the EPS contains silymarin, thanks to the Milk Thistle, and you can find its chemical form in the Sylicure composition.
In the end, it was duplication, but not at the same price! EPS = €24 for 1 month on average, for a dog the size of a boxer, at a maximum of 5 ml per day, 5/7 days.
Silycure = €45 on average for 3 weeks!


Just because it’s natural doesn’t necessarily mean it costs more.


Hepatic Complex by Dieti Natura

After my experience with Massaï, I asked myself a lot of questions.
I thought that, in my humble opinion, my liver must also be full of toxins (I’ll skip the ‘with everything we eat… and breathe…’).


So here too I looked into the various natural ‘detox cures’ available. I could also take the same EPS as for Massaï, but it’s true that even if the EPS is still cheaper than the vet’s Sylicure, it’s still €24.


So I found a Hepatic Complex from Dieti Natura which costs less (see link)

I did a 3-week course, which did me a lot of good.

No more discomfort/heaviness, etc.


I had this Hepatic Complex approved by my vet. Iz, my 7-year-old boxer, also had his little treatment.

I gave him 2 capsules a day for 3 weeks.

I was amazed at the effects on Iz. He started to lose fat (he’s always been a bit overweight), with no loss of muscle.

His breath is less strong and he eats a lot less herbs.

A brief summary

Whether it’s for ourselves or our pets, we rarely think of doing a detox from time to time. And yet we all know that over time, our bodies become fatigued and, sooner or later, we end up ill. The experience I had with Massaï made me realise that taking a detox can do no harm and, what’s more, can avoid unnecessary medical and veterinary expenses and a lot of hassle.


The little extra

In this text, I’ve only talked about the Liver, which is an ‘Eunctory’, but if you’ve read the page on the site via medicatrix naturae you’ll have seen that it’s not the only one! I intend to do a complete detox of the emunctories in the form of EPS, for my animals and for myself. I will do this at each change of season and/or at the end of a medical treatment (vaccine, etc.). (vaccinations, etc.).

Emunctory detox

Dear visitor, I would like to inform you that I am neither a vet nor a naturopath. The information below is not a substitute for the advice of an animal health professional.

l’EPS ?”

I’m going to explain it in general terms first. Secondly, I’m going to talk about the PE that I’ll be using from now on between 2 and 4 times a year, for us and our dogs, with my feelings and what I’ve seen on the animals. The aim of this PSE is to work internally, so it’s not always easy to see and feel the effects (‘We can’t question our kidneys’).


I gave her 2 capsules a day for 3 weeks.

I was amazed at the effects on Iz. He started to lose a lot of fat (he’s always been a bit overweight), without losing any muscle.


His breath is less strong and he eats a lot less herbs.

What is EPS?

EPS = Standardised Plant Extract.


As its name suggests, EPS is a liquid product obtained from certain parts of plants (leaves, stems, buds, roots, etc.).

The plant is then mixed with either water or alcohol until it evaporates, to obtain a sort of plant concentrate with its active ingredients. In France, only one certified laboratory can manufacture EPS. It is the Phytoprevent laboratory.


Under no circumstances should you use EPS from a dubious source or one that is not certified by Phytoprevent.


How to store EPS:
EPS is a fragile product and its shelf life is limited (only take what you need). It is recommended to keep it away from light and heat. Personally, I keep it in the fridge.


Dosage: never take more than 5 ml a day, for either a human or a dog.
Human: 5 ml,
Small dogs: 1.5 ml to 2 ml
Medium and large dogs: 5 ml.


Ideally, whatever the plant, you should start with a three-week course of treatment and take a break of at least a week between each course.
The EPS should be poured directly onto your dog’s food and diluted in water for you. People who like tea will be delighted, because EPS diluted in water has a great taste of cold tea (I love it).

Where can I get some?

You can have them made by your pharmacist or, like me, on the internet. I recommend the Pharmacie Soin et which is reliable.
It costs €19.90 for 150 ml.


As I said above, EPS is quickly lost, so calculate the quantity before you buy. For my 2 medium-sized dogs and 2 humans, I needed 250 ml for 3 weeks, i.e. €38.90 (including delivery costs).


This site offers a wide range of plants, so it’s up to you to do your own research into what you need to treat or cure.

Plants have great healing power, so let’s make the most of them.

Now that EPS has no secrets for you, I’m going to tell you about my ‘detox’ experience with EPS that I had done via the site.


Before doing anything, I explored the net and, of course, my favourite site: Vis medicatrix naturae, which talks about PE, and that’s where I learned a lot of what I know now.


I was looking for a complete detox for my animals and myself. Massaï’s (my boxer’s) liver infection made me realize that the parts of our body that can’t be seen (the organs) may be suffering in silence, until one day…!


In short, I found what I needed as a ‘competition detox’.
I decided on a complete emunctory detox: liver, kidneys, lungs, intestines, and skin.
Of course, I’ll give you the link to the website in question.


*Be careful not to allow certain plants to interact with current treatments. Always ask your doctor or vet for advice.

Les plantes qui composent l’EPS.

Stimulates bile production, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant…

Silymarin is the active ingredient in milk thistle, known since ancient times to detoxify and regenerate liver cells. Detoxifies the skin and fats in the blood.

Stimulates the immune system, anti-inflammatory, respiratory, antibiotic, anti-infectious, strengthens white blood cells, anti-allergic, improves blood circulation…

Diuretic, corrects organs such as the kidneys or bladder, and acts against joint problems, anti-inflammatory, combats skin problems (eczema, psoriasis, acne, etc.), anti-anaemic…

Antibacterial, combats urinary disorders and inflammation, combats diarrhoea and uterine haemorrhage, protects kidney function, treats prostate problems…

How I feel about my dogs

Iz, my other boxer, seems more supple in his hips (I have no idea whether this is due to the cure or not).

He hardly grazes any more (this is often a sign of acidity in the stomach or oesophagus). His breath is much less strong (normal if he no longer has an acid stomach or acid reflux).

There is less hair loss in my dogs, soft and shiny hair.

Generally speaking, I’m quite satisfied with this treatment, which can’t do any harm as long as it’s done in a well-considered way and by following the dosage carefully. I’m really thinking of doing it every change of season.

Detox support from Hilton Herbs

Another less expensive product than EPS is completely natural.

Make sure you take a 125g tin and not a 60g tin (as I did), because for a 30kg dog, one jar will last you 8-10 days, whereas for a course of treatment, you need to allow 2 to 3 weeks.

Sinew or cooked bones, a mortal danger!

Many people give their dogs this type of ‘cheap’ treat, but do you know how it’s produced?

Take a look at the video below.

To complete this information, please click below to read the full article on the ‘Au nom du chien’ website.

*Page translated by DeepL

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